Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved ~ Romans 10:13


Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved ~ Romans 10:13 〰️

Through mighty signs and wonders

By the power of the Holy Spirit

We will fully preach the gospel of Christ!

Delivered out of a life of drugs and crime, his family restored, filled with the Holy Ghost and called to preach, a revivalist for the 21st century.

Allyn has shared his testimony in nine nations and counting on the redeeming power of Christ Jesus.

“One encounter, one touch from the Master, you are forever changed!” Never the same in Jesus name.

Allyn Clevenger and his wife, Tamron Clevenger are the

Senior Pastors of FaithLife Olympia.

Allyn holds a Bachelor’s in Ministry and is ordained by Debbie Rich Ministries.

Allyn Clevenger